- 素材 / Material(s): 映像、音楽 / Video, Sound
- サイズ / Size: 3.5minutes.
コロナ禍により、人と人とのつながりを断たれ、音楽を届けることもままならなかった2020年。オンラインコンサートを開始した私たちは、活動を通して多くの人と繋がることができた。そんな中で生まれたのがこの作品である。 「"より遥か遠くへ"私たちの音楽を届ける」というコンセプトをもとに出来上がったミュージックビデオは、見ず知らずの人々との音楽の輪を作り、人と人とをつなげるきっかけとなった。また、インターネット上にて楽譜と伴奏音源を手に入れることができ、取り組みやすい難易度でひとりでもアンサンブルを楽しむことが出来るようになっている。 青空のように広く晴れ渡るような響き、時に物悲しく歌う旋律。 アコースティックサウンドを存分に味わえるこの作品は、映像や音楽を通し、私たちが追い求めてきた「音楽が側にある楽しさ」をたくさんの人々へ共有し、それが伝播する喜びを体現している。
In 2020, the connection between people was cut off due to the corona pandemic, and it was not possible to deliver music. We started our online concert and we were able to connect with many people through our activities. This work was born in such a way. The music video, which was created based on the concept of delivering our music "Far away”, created a circle of music with a stranger, and it was the opportunity to connect people with each other. In addition, it is possible to obtain the sheet music and accompaniment sound sources on the Internet, so that you can enjoy the ensemble even by yourself on a difficulty level that is easy to work on. A melody that sounds like a blue sky, and sometimes sings sadly. This work, which allows you to fully enjoy the acoustic sound, shares with many people the "fun of music" that we have pursued through video and music, and embodies the joy of its propagation.

Haruka na Kaori
”Haruka na Kaori” formed in October 2020. So far, this group has released two full-length albums "Seasonal Scent" and "Harukana Tabi". In addition to online concerts, performances will be held at hotels, cafes, shopping centers, live houses, etc., for a total of 50 or more performances. It deals with a wide range of genres such as pops and classical music, and each member has a unique original song composed by each member.