- 素材 / Material(s): 音楽・映像 / sound, movie
- サイズ / Size: 7minutes.
サブスクの発展により、過去から現在までのあらゆる音楽を手軽に聴くことが可能になった現代において、クラシック音楽はもはや過去の音楽ではなくなった。 我々音楽家は「過去のクラシック」のみならず「未来のクラシック」を創造していく時代に直面するだろう。創造とは何かと考えた時、全く新しい物だけではなく、まだ知られていない古いジャンルや演奏形態もまた新しい創造性を持っていることに気づく。 「さかなにしたろうかな」は、古楽のプロ達が集まり、サブスク時代ならではの未来の古楽を創造し、多くの人々に届けることを目指している。気軽に楽しめる演奏会やサブスクを通じて、過去と未来の音楽を繋ぎ、全く新しい音楽ジャンルを創出し広げたい。 近代社会が抱える問題の中で、古楽器は失われた人間の感覚や価値観を呼び覚ます。古楽器の音色に触れることで、人々は心の安らぎを見つけ、より豊かな人生を送るヒントを得ることができるだろう。
Classical music is no longer music of the past; today, with the development of subscription music services, it is easy to listen to all kinds of music from any era. We musicians will face an era in which we will have to create not only the 'classics of the past' but also the 'classics of the future'. What is creation? We are conditioned to only imagine newness and novelty. Old genres and practices of music, however, remain a well-spring of creative possibilities. We may even discover novel ways of creation in exploring the old. 'Sakana ni shitarōkana' brings together professionals in the field of early music with the aim of creating a future of early music unique to the subscription era, while bringing it to a wider audience. In the midst of the problems of modern society, early musical instruments awaken lost human senses and values. By experiencing the sounds of early musical instruments, people will find peace of mind and perhaps awaken a new part of themselves yet explored.

"Sakana ni Shitaroukana" formed in 2023, and has performed around Japan, including at educational institutions and historical landmarks. Since their founding, all concerts have been sold out, with one of them attracting a large audience of 300 people. Performing a wide repertoire from 12th to 17th century historical “Alta Capella” music to pop songs, this professional ensemble is the only of its kind in Japan.