みずほ賞 The Mizuho Award
手の跡をたどる / Spring Letters from Where I Live
- 素材 / Material(s): 古着、刺繍糸、木材、蜜蝋、蝋燭、オイル、野草、祖母のお茶の道具、映像 / old clothes, thread, wood, bees wax, wax, oil, wildflowers, grandmother's tea utensils, video
- サイズ / Size: 可変(壁面H150cm×W200cm程度。床面H20cm×W180cm×D150cm程度。) 映像8minutes7seconds
祖母が描いた絵手紙をなぞり、縫い留めた記録映像を含む刺繍作品《手の跡をたどる》と、その制作中に自身が住む街を歩いて見つけた草花を形にした作品群《Spring Letters from Where I Live》で構成する作品。 祖母の絵手紙を見返すと季節の訪れを描いたものが多く、外に出ると草花に目が留まるようになり、自分の目線が祖母と重なっていくように思えた。祖母が季節を絵手紙に残したように、見つけた春の様子を蜜蝋・蝋燭を捏ねてオブジェにした。 10年前に祖母が亡くなった時、泣くことができなかったことをずっと覚えている。母が祖父母との関係に苦労する姿を見ていたことから無意識のうちに、私は母の存在を通して祖母を見るようになり、自分自身で祖母という人を知ろうとしなかったのだと思う。本作では、残されたものをたどることで、現在の自身の視点から故人を想い直し、過去の記憶を未来につなげることを試みた。
This work consists of “Tracing Handwriting,” embroidery pieces that includes video recordings of tracing Etegami drawn by my grandmother and sewing it on old clothes, and “Spring Letters from Where I Live,” works in the form of plants and flowers that I found while walking around the town where I live. When I looked at my grandmother's Etegami, I realized many of them depicted the coming of the seasons. After that, when I went outside, the plants and flowers began to catch my attention. I felt my own perspective seemed to overlap with that of my grandmother. Just as she left seasonal pictures in her Etegami, I kneaded beeswax and candles to make objects of the spring I found. I have always remembered that I could not cry when my grandmother passed away 10 years ago. I think that because I had watched my mother struggle with her relationship with my grandparents and I had subconsciously come to see my grandmother through my mother's existence. Now I think I had not tried to get to know my grandmother by myself. In this work, I attempted to reconsider the deceased from my own present perspective and connect the memories of the past to the future by tracing the things left behind.

嘉 春佳
Based on the premise that most of our own daily memories and time disappear without being recorded, I would like to give form to these memories and time through my work. Handworks such as sewing, knitting, and folding are deeply connected with making of tools necessary for people's daily lives, repairing things, and continuation of daily life. From this point of view, I reconstruct old clothes which are connected to memories of people who wore them by handwork to give shape to the memories of people's lives.