- 素材 / Material(s): 和紙、水干、岩絵具 / washi,mud pigment,mineral pigments
- サイズ / Size: H1167×W727×D30(mm)
The motif of this piece is the warm and vibrant scenery I experienced during my visit to San Diego, America. I created this work with the intention of sharing the warmth of the sparkling sunshine with viewers, with the hope that this feeling will resonate and spread from one person to another.

藤村 栞
鑑賞してくださった人たちの気持ちを少しでも明るくしたい、と思いながら制作しています。 鮮やかな色彩、また日本画の画材「岩絵具」ならではの凹凸や輝きに注目していただけたら嬉しいです。
I create my works with the hope of brightening the spirits of those who view them. I hope people will pay attention to the vivid colors, as well as the unevenness and shine that are unique to the mineral pigments used in Japanese painting.