東京藝術大学長賞 Tokyo University of the Arts President's Award
あちらこちら in 銭湯
- 素材 / Material(s): 音楽 / Music
- サイズ / Size: 18 minutes 51 seconds
始まりは2021年12月。タカラ湯さんのお風呂を堪能した後、企画書を握りしめて番台の方に「ここで演奏会がしたいのですが…」と申し出ました。湯冷めが吹き飛ぶ嬉しいお返事をいただいたのも束の間、感染拡大の影響で延期することに。しかし、その間にひょんなことから電気湯さんと出会い、2023年10月、2つの銭湯を舞台に音楽公演を開催しました。 私たちは、単に「会場」として場所をお借りするのではなく、その場所が持つ文脈や人のつながりをお借りして創作活動を行なっています。例えば、銭湯の音響的魅力や、懐かしき文化の面白みを音楽で表現したり、あるいは銭湯のファンの方が公演に来てくださったり…。創作プロセスを大切にしながら、対話を重ねてつくりました。 さぁ、皆さん。寄ってらっしゃい、観てらっしゃい!これも今日の演奏会!?銭湯名物(自称)あちらこちらの出番だよ~!
Takara-Yu and Denki-Yu are two sento (public bathhouses), located in Tokyo, Japan. In December 2021, after enjoying a bath at Takara-Yu, I approached the staff with a proposal in hand to ask if I could organise a concert in their space. I received a positive response but due to COVID-19 we unfortunately had to postpone. After a fortunate encounter with Denki-Yu, we finally held performances at both sento in October, 2023. This project was developed emphasising dialogue and the creation process, broadening the definition of “concerts” today. Rather than simply renting a place as a “venue”, we refer to the context and human connections of that place to create our works. In this case, we express the attractive sound and nostalgic culture of sento through music, inviting sento fans to enjoy the bathhouse in a new way. Welcome, everyone, to Achira-Kochira’s bathhouse experience! Soak freely and slowly in the sounds of our music. Relax and enjoy!

Achira-Kochira creates site-specific musical performances in everyday spaces. Mainly composed of musicians with a background in traditional Japanese and Western classical music, we co-create performances inspired by the character and context of places like traditional Japanese houses, warehouses, and public bathhouses. Past performances include Nakacho-no-ie (2021) and Marunouchi Naka-Dori Street (2024~). In 2023, we participated in an artist-in-residence program in Indonesia.