Two in one, smart shooting
- 素材 / Material(s): 映像 / video
- サイズ / Size: 6minutes.
When someone with a smartphone stands before you on the train or in the street, you might feel as though you are being photographed without your consent. Whether the person is browsing the web or taking a selfie, the mere presence of the camera directed at you can evoke this sensation. This feeling is unique to smartphones. This work is a video piece that merges images captured simultaneously by the front and rear cameras of a smartphone. The two cameras simultaneously record both the interior and exterior surroundings, along with the photographer and the subject, thereby blurring the lines between subject and object. It aims to emphasize the distinctiveness of the smartphone—a device so ubiquitous that everyone possesses one, and whose presence has become almost invisible—through the act of photography.

小林 幹太
1999 年生まれ。2023 年、多摩美術大学情報デザイン学科情報デザインコースを卒業。現在、東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科メディア映像専攻在学。「ポスト・インターネット」や「常時接続世界」などを起点に、実世界とデジタル空間が等価になった今日において透明になっているものを、浮き出させたり揺さぶることをテーマに制作している。
Born in 1999, he graduated from the Department of Information Design at Tama Art University in 2023 and is currently pursuing a degree in the New Media program at the Graduate School of Film, Tokyo University of the Arts. His work explores concepts like the "post-internet" era and the "always-connected world," aiming to reveal and disrupt the unnoticed aspects of a society where the physical and digital realms have become indistinguishable.