佳作 Honorable Mention Award
- 素材 / Material(s): 音楽、日本舞踊 / music, nihonbuyo
- サイズ / Size: 12minutes.
笙、ヴァイオリン、日本舞踊による舞台作品。本作では、人間の生涯の誕生から死にかけてのうち10のライフイベントを設定し、ヴァイオリンの弦をはじく合図と笙の手移りに導かれ、それらの過去と未来の場面を交互に紙芝居のように描写する。(誕生→死→幼年期→老い→青年期→家族愛→ロマンス→栄華→哀しみ→希望→現在) それは儚くも、この一瞬の煌めきに賭ける人生を思わせ、過去と未来の往来は最終的に現在へと収斂してゆく。どれだけ時代が変わろうと自分にとって変わらないものを描こうとした。 また本作は、人類の歴史を過去と未来の舞台を振り子のように行き来しながら描き、最終巻で現在にたどり着くという構想のもとに執筆された手塚治虫の漫画『火の鳥』に強い影響を受けている。毎話ダイナミックに時代が変化し続けても、そこに登場する人間たちの営みというものは本質的には変わらないのだなと感じた。
This stage piece features the sho, violin, and traditional Japanese dance. It presents ten life events, spanning from birth to death, and is guided by the pluck of a violin string and the shifting of the sho, alternating scenes from the past and future in a manner reminiscent of a picture-story show. The events include: Birth → Death → Childhood → Old Age → Youth → Family Love → Romance → Splendor → Sorrow → Hope → Present. Though fleeting, these moments evoke a life anchored in transient sparks, with the interplay between past and future ultimately converging in the present. My intention was to portray something that remains constant for me, regardless of the changing times. This work draws significant influence from Tezuka Osamu's manga "Phoenix," which explores the history of humanity, oscillating between past and future like a pendulum, ultimately arriving at the present in its final volume.I felt that even though the times continue to change dynamically with each episode, the activities of the people who appear in them remain essentially the same.

江田 士恩
Born in 2003, he is an active musician and the creator of the music project Japonesia no Mimi, which centers on traditional Japanese instruments. He is currently studying composition at Tokyo University of the Arts.