- 素材 / Material(s): (左)油彩、パネル (右)油彩、土、パネル / Oil on wooden panel Oil, soil on wooden panel
- サイズ / Size: H182cm×W3640cm×D5cm
The image of the painting on the left began to swell with the words of a playwright who said, "The mushroom cloud of the atomic bomb looked like an upside-down bride." The motif of the bride also has symbolic meanings: marriage, sex, wedding dress, and the West. The mushroom cloud and the bride in a dress, the two distorted coexisting forms, are vivid in the attempt to juxtapose the words Japan and America. I wanted to embody the experience of the contours beginning to take shape as they correspond to each other in a twisted relationship, and the vivid representation that accompanies it, in an oil painting by a Japanese artist. The painting on the right uses the motif of "wedding vows," which are three things that were concluded with America after the war and that have determined the shape and relationship of Japan. American and Japanese soldiers who appear in cartoons produced in America during the war are placed as if they were engraved, and they are drowned in the materiality of black soil. When they jump into the viewer's eyes in unison with the painting on the left, they may become a metaphor for the mythical motif of war.

楠本 慶介
2002年大阪府泉佐野市出身 現在、東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻在籍
Born in 2002. Grew up in Izumisano, Osaka. Currently enrolled in B.A. program at Tokyo University of the Arts, oil painting.