佳作 Honorable Mention Award
- 素材 / Material(s): 雲肌麻紙、岩絵具、墨 / color on japanese paper
- サイズ / Size: 455×350 (f8号)
どこか分からないが見たことがある気がする街、部屋の片隅、棚の上、人形。 どこだっただろう。きっと行ったことも見たこともないけれど記憶の奥底にあるあの「場所」を描いてみる。 記憶のイメージは1枚の絵になった途端、どこかへ消えてしまったようだ。ちょっぴり寂しいな。
"I can't pinpoint its location, but I have a sense of having encountered it before—in a town, in a corner of a room, or perhaps on a shelf, a doll. Where could it be? I will attempt to illustrate that ""place,"" one that I have neither visited nor seen yet resides deep within my memory. Once my memory is transformed into a painting, the image seems to vanish. It's a bit sad."

中村 瞭佑
1999 東京生まれ 2022 東京藝術大学 日本画 卒業 第107回再興日本美術院展入選(以降毎年) 2024 東京藝術大学大学院 日本画 修了 国宝「信貴山縁起絵巻」現状模写 大学買い上げ 修了制作 「追憶」大学買い上げ 東京藝術大学奨学金「平山郁夫奨学金」賞受賞
"1999: Born in Tokyo 2022: Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Japanese Painting; selected for the 107th Reborn Japan Art Institute Exhibition (and every year thereafter) 2024: Completed course at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School, Faculty of Japanese Painting; produced a copy of the National Treasure ""Shigisan Engi Emaki"" (purchased by the university); graduation project ""Recollection"" (also purchased by the university); awarded the ""Hirayama Ikuo Scholarship"" from Tokyo University of the Arts."