Isle of JURA
- 素材 / Material(s): 音楽 / Music
- サイズ / Size: 7 minutes
"鹿がいる。沢山の鹿が少女を囲いジュラ島を歩いている。五感を澄ませば水面上の風の吹き方、雲に隠れた太陽の暖かさ、草木が揺れて脚に擦れる感覚が感じられる。薄く開いた唇の隙間から乾いた空気が行き来している。夜が来た。少女が止まると周りの鹿も一緒に止まり、少女の近くにいる鹿から順番に四肢を折り、腹を地につける。暖かさを分け与えるかのようにお互いが中心に頷き、頭をうずめる。少女は微睡んだ横顔を空に向け、合掌した手を頭と隣の鹿の腹の間に挟み、両膝を折った。 私がいる。あの子を探す為ジュラ島を歩いている。はっと気がつくと海の色、雲の流れ方、足元の草が揺れてるのが感じられる。もう力が入らない喉から息を吐く。周りが暗くなった。足元にある道はもう何も見えないし、もう誰を探しているのか忘れた。頭を横に向け、合わせた手を頭の横に置き、あれはなんていうんだっけ。 今日は少し悲しいけど、私は朝が来るとまた動き出す。
"This piece was inspired by a Whisky brand named ""Isle of JURA"". Creating music from a drink doesn't only account for the taste and smell, but rather, it is a process of connecting the dots between my environment and the environment of the distillery. This piece is 'set' in Jura Island and illustrates the journey of a character who wishes to meet their friend. It is my attempt at delivering my interpretation of the whisky through music; understanding and expanding on JURA's theme and assosiating an idea to express it. This piece holds a great amount of weight on trying to capture the atmosphere of Jura island through the acoustics of the recording and its dynamics. Although it is all just but an interpretation of my imagination, I value this piece as a way of connecting myself to something outside of my environment, and would love to hear how others from a different background, perhaps from Jura island, will interpret this piece as an expression of the whisky. I hope to one day be able to taste the air of Jura Island for myself."

悦木 A. 啓人
Etsuki A. Keito
広島県広島市出身。現在東京藝術大学楽理科に在籍。クラリネットを今村朝美氏、実重華奈氏に師事。大学進学後「音×美 うたをみる展」、ユニット「足ㇽ」等のイベント企画の参加や活動を始める。2022年度藝祭の公式テーマ曲「ハレとケ」を作曲。研究のみならず作曲と演奏を軸に音楽活動を行う。現在は、インスト・バンド「ファムファタル」のベース、クラリネット、作曲を担当している。
Keito Etsuki (born May 10, 2002) was born in Hiroshima. He has studied the clarinet under Asami Imamura and Kanna Saneshige, and currently majors in Musicology in the Tokyo University of Arts. After joining university, he has participated in managing events such as "Music x Arts Uta wo Miru-ten", as well as an arts unit "Taru" which he participated as a composer. Not only does he study music in his major, but he also composes and performs as form of expression in his music. Currently, he is the bassist, clarinetist, and composer of the instrumental band "Femme Fatale".