setting a ladder, a circle is forming - a sprout -
- 素材 / Material(s): 木製パネルに和紙、コラージュ / Japanese paper on wood panel, collage
- サイズ / Size: H72.7cm×W60.6cm×D2.5cm
この作品シリーズでは、まず、壁に書かれたグラフィティや消えかけたペンキの跡など、日常的に見過ごされがちな、路上に残された匿名の痕跡を写真に記録します。それらは意識的な表現や無意識的な行為の断片であり、都市に記憶された詩のような存在です。誰のものでもあり、誰のものでもない、都市に刻まれた詩。この写真の断片を切り取り、私自身の記憶や感情の集積とも言えるドローイングの断片と組み合わせます。このプロセスは、都市の中に散りばめられた無数の言葉を拾い集め、新たな文脈で再編成する詩作のような行為でもあります。 題名にある梯子は、異なる空間同士を繋ぐ象徴的なイメージであり、この作品に含まれる、個人と他者、過去と現在という相対するものの間を繋ぐ行為を表す言葉として用いています。私は、梯子をかけることで相対する要素の境界が溶け合う瞬間を捉え、新たな物語や感覚を生み出すことを目指しています。
In this series, I documented anonymous traces left on the street, such as graffiti on walls or fading remnants of paint that often overlooked in everyday life. These traces are fragments of conscious expressions or unconscious actions, I perceive them as something like poems inscribed in the memory of the city. I cut out fragments of these photographs and combine them with fragments of my own drawings, which can be seen as an accumulation of my memories and emotions. This process resembles the act of collecting countless words scattered throughout the city and rearranging them in a new context, much like composing a poem. The word "ladder" in the title serves as a symbolic image that connects different spaces and is used to represent the act of bridging opposing elements in my work, such as the individual and the other, or the past and the present. By setting a ladder, I aim to capture the moment when the boundaries of opposing elements blur and create a new story or sensation in my work.

岸本 望
I explore how to produce poetic nature of the boundary between the street and the room through my artist practice. My works mainly focus on collage pieces that combine fragments of photographs of anonymous traces left on the street with fragments of drawings that are made by myself.They also extends to photography and video works.