- 素材 / Material(s): 音楽 / music
- サイズ / Size: 5 minutes 29 seconds
"「悲しみというやつは、いつもひとりではやってこない。かならず、あとから束になって押しよせてくるものだ。」" シェイクスピアによる戯曲「ハムレット」劇中の台詞である。オフィリアという薄幸な女性は、戯曲を表面的に読み解く限り、劇中で死亡する他の人物と違って罪を犯していない。しかし、恋人の変貌をみて気を違い、しまいには狂死してしまう。私は、罪が生み出すこの戯曲において、彼女が犯した罪の余地に解釈の「ひろがり」を感じ、その水死前最期の五分間に焦点を当てた。作曲に当たって、ミレーによる同名絵画の視点でその女性像を構築した。ミレーは、それまでのオフィリア像では描かれなかった、水死の様子を描いている点で、ある種のタブーを犯している。 作品は、彼女が、その懺悔と愛撫の面持ちから彼の名を口にし続けるように、一貫してHAMLET の綴りを当てたSi Ra Mi Re Mi Siという旋律線を使用している。
"“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions .”" This is a line from a play by Shakespeare “Hamlet”. On an outward reading of the play, Ophelia, a woman of misfortune, commits no crime, unlike the others who die in the play. However, when she had seen her lover's transformation, she went mad and ends up dying. I found that the room for her sin in the play, focused on the last five minutes of her life before her drowning. On composing this piece, I build the image of her from the perspective of the painting of the same name by Millet. Millet violated a certain taboo that depicted in the middle of her drowning, which had not been depicted in previous images of her. The work uses the melodic line Si Ra Mi Re Mi Si, which applies the spelling of HAMLET, as she consistently utters his name in exchange for her penitence and caress.

Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale
In the spring of 2023, an instrumental band was formed by members enrolled in the Department of Musicology at Tokyo University of the Arts. The band is active in two main areas: performing original compositions by Amma and Etsuki, and focusing on Argentine tango, especially the works of Piazzolla, under the leadership of Suzuki. Their activities extend both inside and outside the university, with their piece "park-grass" selected as the official theme song for Geisai 2023.