Sunken Blue
- 素材 / Material(s): 映像 / video
- サイズ / Size: 5minutes
In this work, the video director served as the composer of the film score. The work is based on a motif that a praying mantis parasitized by a horsehair worm. An adult horsehair worm lures its host to horizontally polarization, forcing it to enter water as deep as possible. In the work, the woman living in the city is lured to the water by her own inner sorrow, and suicide by drowning as if to expel it. One of the themes of this year's competition, “expanse,” is a kind of “exit” for something that has been pushed. Whatever the material relationship between the parasite and the host, each recognizes the other as external. The parasite then looks for a further “exit”, and the host, lured by the external one, drives its own life to the “exit”. After suicide, a horsehair worm slips out of the host's body and begins to reproduce, while the host dies out. It is like a relationship between a tragedy and a human being. The former remains through the centuries. The latter passes down it but dooms to die.

安間 誉和
東京藝術大学楽理科に在籍。ピアノを志賀たか子、作曲を平井正志の各氏に師事。オリジナル曲とピアソラをはじめアルゼンチンタンゴ曲を演奏するインスト・バンド ”Femme Fatale” を2023年5月に結成、作曲とピアノを担っている。2024年8月にバンド初のアルバム《nomeolvides》をリリース。また、同年9月にピアノソロのオリジナルアルバム《Tin! Pan! Tokyo!》をリリース。
Enrolled in the department of Musicology of the faculty of Music at Tokyo University of the Arts. Studied piano under Takako Shiga and composition under Masashi Hirai. In May 2023, he formed “Femme Fatale,” an instrumental band that performs original compositions and Argentine tango works including A.Piazzolla, for which he composes and plays the piano. In August 2024, the band released its first album, “nomeolvides”. In September of the same year, he released an original solo piano album “Tin! Pan! Tokyo!”.