- 素材 / Material(s): 映像 / video
- サイズ / Size: 1分半
これは実際に私が働いているバイト先のトイレを3dcgで再現した物です。全てモデリングしています。後半に出てくる女性キャラクターの怪物は、男性の消費者の嗜好の為にデフォルメされたアニメの女の子をリアルに3dで立体化したものです。本来アニメでは色面で表現される髪の毛はしっかり一本ずつ作り、口の妙な小ささ、大きな虹彩や肌の質感もリアルに再現しました。 男のオタクを喜ばせるような、決して逆らわず、媚びるようにデザインされた存在を現実に召喚し、それを消費するにやけ顔に冷や水をぶっかけるような効果を望んで製作しました。
This is a 3D CG reproduction of the toilet at my actual workplace, entirely modeled from scratch. The monstrous female character appearing in the second half is a realistic 3D rendering of an anime girl, intentionally distorted to appeal to male consumers. Each hair strand, typically represented as a colored surface in anime, is crafted with meticulous detail, along with the unnaturally small mouth, oversized irises, and realistic skin texture. I created this work to bring to life a character that appears designed to cater to male otaku, one that never resists their expectations and consistently panders to them, that would then turn the tables on and splash water in the grinning faces of those who consume such portrayals.

奈良澤 達樹
奈良澤達樹 2000年生まれ。藝大入学時に新型コロナウィルス感染症が流行し、学部一、二年を自粛生活や在宅での作品製作を強いられる。その際に配信サービスなどで3DCGIの映像作品を多く鑑賞し、その分野に興味を持つ。その後大学を休学しCGIの専門学校に通い技術を学んだ。現在は復学し学んだ技術を用いながら作品を製作中。
"Tatsuki Narazawa Born in 2000. Upon enrolling at Tokyo University of the Arts, the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic forced him to spend his first two years of undergraduate studies in self-isolation, creating artworks from home. During this period, he immersed himself in numerous 3D CGI video works available on streaming platforms, which sparked his interest in the field. Consequently, he took a leave of absence from the university to attend a vocational school focused on CGI techniques. He has since returned to school and is actively producing works utilizing the skills he acquired."