- 素材 / Material(s): silver970、七宝用釉薬、銀線 / silver970、glaze
- サイズ / Size: H20cm×W10cm×D25cm
冬の高原に佇む一匹のエゾオコジョは凍てつく寒さの中に凛とすましてこちらを見る。 その姿は美しく周囲の風景と重なり一体となる。私と自然も同じようにひとつになる。自己と他者、風景、自然の境界線は曖昧になり実体と虚像のあわいを彷徨うように。 自然で実際に感じた事はネットで見たり人から聞いて理解出来るものではなく自己の感動や感覚を他者に届ける事は大変難しいが作品に込める事で他者に少しでも届ける事が出来ると願い制作致しました。
"A solitary Ezo stoat stands on a winter plateau, gazing at me with a sense of dignity in the frigid cold. Its exquisite form blends seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. In this moment, I feel a profound unity with nature; the distinctions between self+H30 and other, as well as that between landscape and environment, dissolve, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. What one genuinely experiences in nature cannot be fully grasped through online images or second-hand accounts, and conveying personal emotions and feelings to others can be incredibly challenging. Yet, I created this work in the hope that by encapsulating these feelings, I could share at least a fragment of that experience with others."

望月 嶺
2020年 東京藝術大学 入学 2024年 東京藝術大学 卒業 卒業制作[冴ゆる夜]レクトーレ葉山湘南国際村に所蔵、設置 2024年 東京藝術大学修士課程 入学
"2020: Enrolled in Tokyo University of the Arts 2024: Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts Graduation project [Clear Night]: housed and installed at Lectore Hayama Shonan International Village 2024: Enrolled in the Master's program at Tokyo University of the Arts"