- 素材 / Material(s): 紙 / paper
- サイズ / Size: 210mm × 297mm ×10mm
「ガクフネ」は、楽譜という媒体を通して、音楽や芸術の新たな楽しみ方を提案するアートブックです。楽譜という記号の羅列のうえに、それぞれのデザイナーが楽曲から着想を得たグラフィックアートを描くことによって、楽譜が読めない人に音楽を絵本のように楽しむきっかけを提供するだけでなく、その音楽をよく知っている人にとっても、自身が抱いていたイメージと近しいもの、もしくはまったく異なる印象をとどけることで、「音楽」という芸術がはらむ解釈の豊かさ、自由さを体験として享受することを目指して制作しました。本作ではピアノ学習者にとってオーソドックスな作品である《ブルグミュラー 25の練習曲集》を題材に、5名のデザインを学ぶ学生によるイラスト、そして音楽学や作曲を学ぶ4名の学生による解説・コラムを収録。このアートブックによる体験と発見が手に取ったすべての人が持つ芸術へのまなざしを豊かにひろげることを願っています。
"Gakufune” is an art book that proposes new ways to enjoy music and art through the medium of sheet music. By drawing graphic art inspired by a piece of music, each designer draws on the symbols of the score to provide an opportunity for those who cannot read music to enjoy music as if it were a picture book, as well as those who are familiar with the music with an experience of the richness and freedom of interpretation that the art of “music” offers, by giving them an impression that is similar to or completely different from their own image of the music. The book is based on “Burgmüller's 25 Etudes,” an orthodox work for piano students, and includes illustrations by five design students and commentary and columns by four students of musicology and composition. We hope that the experience and discovery of this artbook will enrich and expand the artistic perspective of everyone who comes into contact with it.

長谷川 志樹
Born in Aichi Prefecture in 2002. After graduating from Meiwa High School with a major in piano, he is currently enrolled in the Department of Musicology at Tokyo University of the Arts. He has participated in and led many independent projects, including the executive vice-chair of Geisai 2023. His activities include producing art books and performing with FemmeFatale.