Tatami Beach
- 素材 / Material(s): 畳、ポリスチレンフォーム / tatami, polystyrene foam
- サイズ / Size: サイズ可変
This experiential installation invites visitors to engage with and stack large building blocks made from colorful tatami mats. Evoking the imagery of the seaside, these mats inspire memories of building sandcastles and tunnels. While tatami mats are a staple of traditional Japanese culture, they have gradually lost prominence in modern living spaces. Given the differing perceptions of tatami mats and Japanese-style rooms across generations, this piece seeks to bridge those gaps through shared experiences. Set in a public space, the exhibition encourages participants to reflect on their own living environment and personal connections to this cultural element.

1996年生まれ。美術作家。2019年東京藝術大学美術学部先端芸術表現科卒業。2023年東京藝術大学美術研究科グローバル・アート・プラクティス専攻修了。主に国内では必要不可欠ではなくなってしまった和室に着目し、動きや錯覚を取り入れた立体作品を制作している。2023年 Artの力賞受賞、2019年 平成藝術賞受賞。
Born in 1996. Fine art creator. Graduated from the Faculty of Intermedia Art at the School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2019. In 2023, she completed the Global Art Practice major at the same graduate school. Focusing primarily on Japanese-style rooms that are no longer common in Japan, she creates three-dimensional works that incorporate movement and optical illusions. She received the Power of Art Award in 2023 and the Heisei Art Award in 2019.