Massive Ugly Hands
- 素材 / Material(s): ミクストメディア / mixed media
- サイズ / Size: F60号(H970mm×W1303mm×D50mm)
ミシェル・フーコーの《狂気の歴史》では癩病患者が社会的にも物理的にも排除されていた中世などを紹介している。社会から排斥された「狂気」を目の当たりにするとき、私たちは、過去の人類の野蛮さを嘆く。一方でAIを使って画像を作るとき、「手」がうまく生成できない問題が往々にして課題になり、その対処のためにネガティブプロンプトというAIが出力フィルター機能で、Ugly Handsと入れることで、5本指だけを出力するように調整する。 手以外は良いのに、と嘆くAI画像の生成愛好家は多いが、これは5本指ではなく暮らす人々の排斥ではないだろうか。 本作品では、多くの人が捨てている5本指にならなかった画像を集積し、今進化しようとしているAIとは別の進化を遂げたAIを作り直すプロセスも含め、作品化した。いずれAIが“正常化”され、5本指しか出力されなくなったとき、この作品は正常と狂気の意味を改めて問うだろう。
In History of Madness, Michel Foucault discusses how lepers in medieval times were both socially and physically excluded from society. When we witness the madness that was cast out from society, we lament the barbarity of humanity in the past. Similarly, when using AI to generate images, the challenge of not being able to properly render hands often arises. To address this, a negative prompt like “Ugly Hands” is used, adjusting the AI’s output filter to generate only five-fingered hands. Many AI image generation enthusiasts lament, “Everything is fine except for the hands.” But isn’t this akin to the exclusion of people who don’t conform to the five-fingered norm? This artwork gathers images discarded because they did not generate five fingers, and through the process of recreating an AI that evolved differently from the one currently progressing, it turns this into a work of art. Once AI becomes fully “normalized” and can only generate five-fingered hands, this artwork will question the meaning of normality and madness anew.

窪田 望
I have invented 20 AI patents in Japan, the United States, China, and Hong Kong. In an AI-driven society where social implementation is progressing, "outliers," or data that is too different, are often excluded. I explore the theme of "The Roar of Outliers" from the perspective that there may be pressing lives of social minorities behind these outliers. I attempt to practice deconstruction from the conventional binary opposition between humans and AI using media technology and conceptual methods.