- 素材 / Material(s): 高知麻紙、アルミ箔、岩絵具、土絵具、膠 / washi, aluminium leaf, mineral pigments, soil pigments, glue
- サイズ / Size: H181.8cm×W227.3cm×D4cm
I painted the morning after the typhoon had passed. I believe that this process is the essence of pictorial expression, in which a universal scene is transformed into a scene that each viewer “has seen somewhere before” by expressing it in a way that evokes the five senses, such as temperature and sound. For me, the creation and appreciation of artwork is, in essence, introspection. This introspection may be healing for some people, and sharing that introspection with others may lead to empathy. Sympathy is the hope for rejoining hands when there is a disconnection. I create my works in the hope that they will serve as a medium for sharing something that exists in the hearts of many people, something abstract and ineffable in words. The English title is given with an indefinite article because I hope that my work will evoke the dawn in the memories of an unspecified number of people.

伊藤 茜
2019年、東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科日本画専攻に入学。その後は、新型コロナの影響で作品・演技発表の機会を失った学生の為のミニ芸祭「おたま’s フェス」を銀座の飲食店協力の下企画運営メンバーとして主催、ギャラリーセレクト作家としてグループ展に参加。2023年に同大学を卒業後、同大学大学院に入学。2024年現在、日本画専攻分野修士課程2年に在籍。
In 2019, She enrolled in the Department of Painting at Tokyo University of the Arts, specializing in Japanese painting. Subsequently, she became a member of the planning and management team for "Otama's Fest," a mini art festival aimed at students who lost opportunities to showcase their work and performance owing to the impact of COVID-19, in collaboration with restaurants in Ginza. She also participated in a group exhibition as a gallery-selected artist. After graduating from university in 2023, she entered the university's graduate school. In 2024, she was in her second year of the Master's program in Japanese painting.