- 素材 / Material(s): 映像 / video
- サイズ / Size: 17minutes
郊外のマンモス校に通う千景と空。 ある日を境に二人に黒い影が付き纏うようになる。 平静を装う千景に対して、空は段々と狂気にむしばまれていく。 優しさや繊細さよりも、恐怖を描くことのほうが誠実な場合があると考え、ホラー映画を制作しています。
"Chikage and Sora attend a mammoth school in the suburbs. One day, a dark shadow starts to follow them. While Chikage tries to maintain her composure, Sora gradually succumbs to madness. I create horror films because I believe that depicting fear can often be more genuine than portraying kindness or sensitivity."

吉岡 一靖
"Born in 2000. He has had a strong interest in creative activities since childhood, and has been making films since elementary school. He went on to study art, the source of film, at Tokyo University of the Arts. He is currently a fourth-year student in the Faculty of Aesthetics and Art History in the Department of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. He belongs to the Western Art History Research Lab. "