- 素材 / Material(s): 和紙、岩絵具 / washi . mineral pigments
- サイズ / Size: H91cm×W116.7cm×D3.5cm
I depicted a person holding funeral flowers, poised to merge with the sea. My hometown, where the ocean is filled with countless memories, serves as a backdrop. I see flowers as messages to those we can no longer meet, allowing us to stay connected through their presence.
金井 みゆ
1999 神奈川県生まれ 2021 東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科日本画専攻 入学 現在 東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科日本画専攻 4年 在籍 2023 Gallery美の舎学生選抜展2023奨励賞/Gallery美の舎 2024 上野の森美術館大賞展入選/上野の森美術館 個展「反復する記憶」/Gallery美の舎
1999: Born in Kanagawa Prefecture 2021: Entered the Department of Painting, Japanese Painting Course, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts Currently: Fourth-year student in the Department of Painting, Japanese Painting Course, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts 2023: Encouragement Prize at the Gallery Bi no Ya Student Selection Exhibition 2023 / Gallery Bi no Ya 2024: Selected for the Ueno Royal Museum Grand Prize Exhibition / Ueno Royal Museum Solo Exhibition "Repetitive Memories" / Gallery Bi no Ya