優秀賞 Excellence Award
- 素材 / Material(s): 音楽、インスタレーション / Music、Installation
- サイズ / Size: 14minutes 31seconds
This musical work utilizes a sound system that mimics a government disaster prevention radio system, featuring a horn speaker and a motor siren. Disaster prevention radio systems are installed in 1,700 municipalities nationwide, and many are typically used to announce the time. Nostalgic time signal music, such as Dvořák's Largo, contributes to a uniquely Japanese atmosphere. We hear these time signals daily, reminding us of the looming threat of disasters while evoking memories of past events, all within a community colored by nostalgia. The time signal music, which serves as a backup for alarms, embodies the interconnectedness of urban communities and reflects the essence of Japanese cities. This work amplifies these scenarios, fostering a temporary community in the theater through alarm melodies and time signals, and reimagining both past occurrences and future possibilities related to "disaster prevention."

永田 風薫
1998年 静岡県浜松市生まれ。時報や警報など都市空間に流れる音や古い録音物、音や音楽が作り出す共同体や幻想に関心を持つ。そうした音を扱った作品制作や、エレキギターの演奏を通して、音が持つ社会的な力や政治性について探究している。主な展覧会に、2021年「うるわしのハワイ(個展)」(Room_412/東京)など。主な受賞歴にやまなしメディア芸術アワード2023-24 優秀賞など。
"Born in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture in 1998, he is fascinated by the sounds that permeate urban spaces, including time signals, alarms, and old recordings, as well as the communities and fantasies shaped by sound and music. He investigates the social power and politics of sound through his work and by playing the electric guitar. His notable exhibitions include ""Beautiful Hawaii (Solo Exhibition)"" at Room_412 in Tokyo in 2021. He has received several accolades, including the Excellence Award at the Yamanashi Media Arts Awards 2023-24."