佳作 Honorable Mention Award
- 素材 / Material(s): 和紙、彩色、真鍮箔、土
- サイズ / Size: 116,7×91x3cm (中央パネルは84x81x3cm)
Through this artwork, I am exploring the place of a person in modern society. The name of it refers to an eponymous classical painting of Shimomura Kanzan. Shimomura was moved by Tadahira Fujiwara's poem and painted the poet among red maples. But I decided to paint a character who is rarely noticed, who is rarely considered poetic. A nameless homeless man. The shape and the concept of the artwork resemble Slavic iconic tradition and Buddhist sculpture. But if in Buddhism one of the central concepts is detachment from needs, from society conducted by a person himself, in the case of marginalized groups it is a society that excludes them from consideration. I am trying to think about the place of other people in our lives and in society, about memories and absence. Among all the materiality of the world how to remember, that the light contains in a human. Hundreds, thousands of people we are passing by daily, they all are not just flesh but spirit. Especially easy to pass over the people, who are disparaged by society, people who are seen as a wart. But they are also someone's memory. They are also bringing the light.

イリヤ・イェラシェヴィッチは、東京藝術大学大学院 国際芸術創造研究科の博士課程に在籍している。ベラルーシ生まれのイェラシェヴィッチは、チェコ共和国のマサリク大学で学び、ビジュアルアートの学士号を取得。この間、イェラシェヴィッチは台湾の国立台湾大学(NTU)に留学。その後、チェコのオストラヴァ大学で美術教育学修士号と製本学修士号を取得した。修士課程に2年間在籍し、韓国の成均館大学校で1学期を過ごした後、イェラシェヴィッチは文部科学省(MEXT)から奨学金を授与された。さらに、東京藝術大学で4年間日本画を研究した後、日本画の「芸術修士号」を取得した。
Ilya Yerashevich is a PhD student at the GA Department, TUA, Japan. Belarus born, Yerashevich was educated at Masaryk University, Czech Republic, where he received a BA in Visual arts. During this period Yerashevich did a study abroad program at NTU, Taiwan. Later he applied for a Master's degree in Art Education, and for a second Master's degree in Bookbinding at Ostrava University, CZ. After two years in Master's programs and a semester at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, Yerashevich received a MEXT. After four years of research on Nihonga at the TUA, Japan, he received an MFA in Nihonga.