DRIFTED ドリフテッド
- 素材 / Material(s): PC / PC
- サイズ / Size: Varies 変動(approx. 5 ~ 20 minutes)
『DRIFTED ドリフテッド』はパズルプラットフォーマーアドベンチャーゲームです。プレイヤーは紙飛行機で、暗くてディストピアの世界を冒険する。
DRIFTED is a 3D adventure platformer. You play as a paper airplane that ventures into an atmospheric and dystopian world. This game contains simple gameplay mechanics, minimal UI, and challenging puzzles.

胡 琦
HU CHI、映画専攻在学中、台湾出身の映像とゲームクリエイター。映画作品は釜山国際映画祭、ゲーム作品は東京ゲームショウとアメリカ Game Developers Conference に参加。ロンドン芸術大学ゲームデザイン修了。
Hu Chi is a film and game creator from Taiwan, and is currently studing Film Production. His works were exhibited in Busan International Film Festival, Tokyo Game Show, and Game Developers Conference. He previously graduated from University of the Arts London with a Games Design master degree.