- 素材 / Material(s): 古い電話機、机、椅子、じぃじぃの声、タンプーラの音 / Old telephone, desk, chair, Grandpa's voice, sound of tanpura
- サイズ / Size: H700×W600×400
この作品はじぃじぃ(祖父)の声をもとに制作した。 電話機からは2種類の音が流れている。片方は携帯電話の留守番電話機能に記録された私のじぃじぃの声で、もう片方はタンプーラの音である。 タンプーラとはインドの古典楽器で、弦楽器でありながら一曲を通して一定のリズム・一定の音階を奏で続ける伴奏楽器の役割を持つ。 毎週私に電話をかけてくれていたじぃじぃの声とタンプーラが持つずっとあり続ける基準のような音がどこか似ているように感じた。
This piece was created based on my grandfather's voice. Two types of sounds are coming from the phone. One is my grandfather's voice recorded on the answering machine of my cell phone, and the other is the sound of a tanpura. The tanpura is a classical Indian instrument that, although it is a stringed instrument, plays a consistent rhythm and scale throughout a song, playing as an accompaniment. My Grandpa used to call me almost every week after I graduated from high school and moved away. The content of each call was very trivial, and the conversation lasted only a few minutes, with him asking how I was doing and when I would be coming home again, just like a set phrase. I felt that there was something similar between the voice of my grandfather who used to call me every week and the sound of the tanpura, which is a constant standard. I can no longer hear my grandfather's voice, but the tanpura continues to play his voice inside me.

愛知県立芸術大学彫刻科に入学後、中途退学し、東京藝術大学美術学部先端芸術表現科に在籍中。 現在は、祖父との関係をモチーフに作品を制作している。
"She enrolled in the sculpture department of Aichi University of the Arts, but dropped out before enrolling in the Faculty of Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts. She currently creates works based on the motif of her relationship with her grandfather."