- 素材 / Material(s): 演劇 / theater
- サイズ / Size: 120minutes.
"This play is centered around the Shimabara Rebellion, challenging the well-known narrative of ""the 17-year-old charismatic Amakusa Shiro and the tragedy of the peasants who died believing in the Son of God,"" which is ultimately a constructed story. In truth, a merchant's child, elevated to the status of a god, was used as a symbol for the peasant uprising. This phenomenon of the victorious side rewriting history, which results in the creation of worship objects, is prevalent worldwide. The glorification of the deceased, often seen in the context of war, echoes the ephemeral beauty attributed to Shiro. The concept of the work is to reexamine Shiro as a true-to-life boy in contemporary society. Drawing on historical materials from that era, I aim to recreate the Shimabara Rebellion through the perspectives of Shiro and his friends. The play opens with a scene in which a sculptor, a friend of Shiro, is commissioned to create a statue of the Son of God. As the sculptor grapples with this task, reflecting on Shiro—a boy portrayed as merely shy—he resists the creation of a deity for the purposes of war and the glorification of the dead. This narrative seeks to uncover Shiro as a human being, ultimately moving beyond the mythologized figure."

大学で出会ったメンバーを中心として2019年に旗揚げ。 過去の出来事や現在起きていることに対して真摯にリサーチを重ね、時代や場所を越えた普遍的な人の営みを浮かび上がらせる。歌舞伎から現代劇に至るリアリズムの変遷を解析し、独自の手法を確立。新しさと伝統を織り交ぜた、力強く迫力ある舞台装置と身体表現、細部までこだわり抜いた舞台づくりに定評がある。 都内を中心とした活動は2024年で6周年を迎える。
The group was launched in 2019 with members who met at university. Through earnest research into past events and what is happening in the present, the group brings to light universal human activities that transcend time and place. He has analyzed the transition of realism from Kabuki to contemporary drama, and established his own unique method. He is known for his powerful stage sets and physical expression, and his meticulous attention to detail, which weaves together the new and the traditional. The company's Tokyo-based activities will celebrate their 6th anniversary in 2024.