
  • ガラスビーズ / glass beads
  • H14cmxW56cmxD56cm


The concept of this work is “traces.” I used glass beads to represent the outlines of the shapes I created with clay. I aimed to create an object in which one can feel the traces of an original form that no longer exists. While studying in Japan, I acquired a new sense of beauty and a new way of thinking about crafts. One of the things that I have learned was how to create a concept. In the Czech Republic, it is a common practice to first complete the concept of a work before proceeding to production. However, in Japan, there is an idea that a concept is born through dialogue with materials while conducting various experiments. I was strongly inspired by such a way of thinking. During this project, I also tried to encounter a concept through dialogue with the materials. Also, crafts for me are not only “aesthetic vessels” but also objects that connect people and make them more open-minded. I believe that being open-minded and tolerant to others is the foundation for peace.

ヴェントゥロヴァー クリスティーナ - profile image

ヴェントゥロヴァー クリスティーナ



I am an international student from the Czech Republic. I am interested in contemporary Japanese glass art. Through my work, I want to connect the two cultures and two worlds of glass that I hold dear, those of Japan and the Czech Republic.

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