佳作Honorable Mention Award


  • 立体、インスタレーション / Bicycle , Iron
  • H2000mm × W4000mm × D1450mm


I recently became interested in hanma, the wooden wheel of the floats used in the Sawara Grand Festival, which is registered as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. I have been researching its history and how it is made. I have been accustomed to seeing bicycle tires, but the unusual look of this ancient wheel was a very interesting research subject for me. Hanma has remained unchanged since time immemorial. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult in modern society for hanma to retain its traditional look because of changes in social systems and the environment. I plan to interpret hanma in through moder sensibilities, and develop it into an experiential art installation work, through the facts revealed in this research.

東 弘一郎 - profile image

東 弘一郎


地域住民から集めた自転車などのジャンクと金属を組み合わせて、動く立体作品を制作している。 地域芸術研究の一環として、茨城県日立市で地域の町工場の職人らとアーティストが共に作品を制作することをコンセプトとしたアートプロジェクト、「星と海の芸術祭」の総合ディレクターを務めた。 茨城県坂東市に「あずま工房」という、現代美術制作のための工場を設立し、金属加工を中心に、様々な美術作品の制作と施工を請負う。

Creates moving three-dimensional works by combining bicycles and other junk collected from local residents. Served as general director of Hoshi to Umi no Geijutsu Matsuri (Art festival of the stars and the sea), an art project in Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, as part of regional art research. The event was based on the concept of artists working together with craftspeople from local factories to produce artworks. Established a factory for contemporary art production called Azuma Kobo in Bando City, Ibaraki Prefecture, to produce and install various art works, mainly metalworking.

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