• シルクスクリーン / silk screen
  • H90cm x W60cm (余白含まず)


Peering across from a gap between buildings in a city where it is difficult to take your mask off, I ■■■■■, saying, "What is happening now?" and "Where am I standing now?"

齋藤 弥主子 - profile image

齋藤 弥主子


東京藝術大学大学院修士課程2年。東京生まれ。 2022年東京同大学美術学部油画専攻卒業。デジタル時代の大量の情報と大量生産、大量消費社会と人間が生きる事と関係をテーマに制作している。

Second year, Master's program, Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School. Born in Tokyo. Graduated in Oil Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. Creates on themes related to how people live in a society with mass information, production, and consumption in the digital age.

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