東京藝術大学長賞Tokyo University of the Arts President's Award

La Nostalgie for Piano

  • 音楽 / Composition
  • 6minutes.

私たちは思い出を振り返るとき、なにに思いを馳せるのでしょうか。 幼いころの家族との記憶、学生時代の苦悩や青春、そして、いまこうして過ぎていく日々の一つひとつに、私たち自身の思いがあり、同じ時代をともに生きる私たちの共通項があります。この「La Nostalgie for Piano」は、そんな思い出をテーマに、私たちがともに生きていること、そして生きていくことを、音楽を通して表現したいという気持ちで作曲した作品です。

When we reflect on our memories, what do our thoughts turn to? Memories of family when we were small, of anguish and youth when we were students; and each day that passes now encompasses our own thoughts that are common among all of us who live in the same era. "La Nostalgie for Piano" is a work composed with a desire to express, through music, that we are living together, and will continue to do so, on the theme of memories like this.

内田 拓海 - profile image

内田 拓海



Composer and artist. Born in Fujisawa, Kanagawa. Was homeschooled for nine years: elementary and junior high school. Utilizing the experience of growing up amid loneliness as a starting point, the artist creates with music and words on the themes of sadness and evanescence. Graduated from Composition, Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts. Currently in Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts.

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