
  • 銅、金、UVレジン / Copper, Gold, UV resin
  • H65xW60xD40cm


Traditional Taiwanese culture does not consider it proper to discuss death. But I find it strange that we should not discuss or touch upon death, which is common to all living creatures. When my grandmother died, my mother explained the meaning of death to me, through the funeral ceremony. This is mental preparation that had been handed down from my grandmother to my mother, and from my mother to me. For me, creating artworks, using gold beating techniques, is also a ceremony. I feel that it is a ceremony that enables expression of things that cannot be verbalized through works of art. When a living being dies, the spirit ascends to heaven before the body. I thought that I could perhaps express the body that remains, as a substance through gold beating. Nothing in this world is universal or unchanging, nor is it possible to have an eternally powerful person or an everlasting nation. Ultimately, they all become part of nature or history.

游 嘉萍 - profile image

游 嘉萍


1990 台湾に生まれる 2008-2012 高雄大学伝統工芸とクリエイティブ設計学科 卒業 2015-2019 台南芸術大学応用芸術研究科金属製品とジュエリー設計専攻修士課程 修了 2019-2020 清課堂研修生 修了 2020-2022 金澤美術工芸大学美術工芸研究科研究生 修了 2022- 今  東京藝術大学美術研究科工芸専攻研究生 在籍中

1990: Born in Taiwan 2008-2012: Graduated from the Department of Crafts and Creative Design, National University of Kaohsiung 2015-2019: Completed the Master's program, Metal Products and Jewelry Design, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts 2019-2020: Trainee, Seikado 2020-2022: Research student, Research Department of Fine Art and Craft, Kanazawa College of Art 2022-present: Research student, Crafts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

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