みずほ賞The Mizuho Award


  • 紙本彩色、雲肌麻紙、岩絵具、膠、墨、胡粉、金箔 / color on japanese paper、Kumohada hemp-paper、mineral pigment、glue、sumi、gohun、gold leaf
  • H227.3cm×W181.8cm×D4cm

自身はこれまで絵を描いてきた上で"生の美"を探究してきた。本作は日本における最大の樹木、屋久島の縄文杉に着目し取材を重ねた。 実際に屋久島に辿り着いた先には、まさに生命エネルギーそのものが立っており、その環境下は地球の有り様に感じた。縄文の紋様に見える木肌は蓄積されたデータの様にも見える。実際樹木は幹が成長した経過を年輪というデータとして蓄積しており、特に屋久島ではその土地の性質を含め、木目細かい年輪として育つ。私はこの年輪が近年よくカメラにて投影される夜空の星々が時間を経て円を描いて廻る光景と連想した。星々もまた宇宙を巡りながらその動向を年輪として絵描いている。私は大地から宇宙に向かって沢山の年月を経てうねる様に成長した縄文杉も、果てしない時間を漂う星々も、その情景全てが生命の根幹であり、生きてこそ生かしてこその平和がそこに訪れるのではないかとこの絵に希望を込めた。

In my paintings, I’ve always sought to depict rugged beauty. In this work, I focused on Jōmon Sugi, the largest tree in Japan. It is located on the island of Yakushima. Even before I visited the site in person, I felt that the tree embodied life force and that the ecosystem beneath its boughs encapsulated how this planet should be. Resembling Jōmon patterns, the bark also appears like a data repository. The actual tree trunk stores data indicating its chronology, in the form of tree rings. The tree’s fine-grained tree rings reflect the characteristics of the tree’s native island. The tree rings make me think of those time-lapse sky photos you often see nowadays, which show the stars in concentric circles. The stars travel the cosmos, tracing a path resembling the ring of a tree. Reaching from the Earth toward the cosmos, Jōmon Sugi has grown as if rolling over countless years. Likewise, the stars drift in endless space. Together, they represent the basis of life itself. The painting inspires feelings of hope in me, thinking it shows how harmony will be realized: by us living our own lives and keeping all entities alive.

佐藤 八弘 - profile image

佐藤 八弘


佐藤八弘 1996年神奈川県生まれ 2018年東京藝術大学日本画専攻入学 第13回藝大アートプラザ大賞展入選 2020年小石川傳通院 絵馬奉納販売 2021年鶴岡八幡宮 風神図・雷神図奉納 2022年東京藝術大学日本画専攻卒業 東京藝術大学院修士課程日本画専攻入学 第9回前田青邨記念大賞入選 第5回耀画廊賞受賞 神山財団奨学生第9期生 現状模写事業 国宝 信貴山縁起絵巻 延喜加持巻 主題 担当

Hakko Sato was born in 1996 in Kanagawa Prefecture. In 2018, he enrolled at Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in Japanese painting. His work earned the grand prize at the 13th Geidai Artplaza Festival. In 2020, he produced votive tablets for Denzuin Temple in Koishikawa, Tokyo. In 2021, he produced wind-god and thunder-god screens (fūjin-zu and raijin-zu) for the Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū shrine. In 2022, he graduated with a major in Japanese painting at Tokyo University of the Arts. He is currently enrolled in a master’s course on Japanese painting at the same university. His work was chosen in the 9th Seison Maeda Memorial Award Exhibition and the 5th Yōgarō gallery award. He was among the ninth generation of students to receive a scholarship from the Kamiyama Foundation. Sato is in charge of reproducing two scrolls: the Shigi-san Engi Emaki (“picture scroll on the miraculous origin of Mount Shigi”), which is a National Treasure, and the Engi Kaji no Maki (“scroll on the exorcism of the Emperor”).

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