佳作Honorable Mention Award


  • 銅、銀、真鍮、七宝、金メッキ / copper, silver, brass, enamel, gold plate
  • W14cm×D10cm×H6.5cm

「世界平和」 私は「世界平和」という言葉を聞くと、ハンガリー出身のアメリカのユダヤ人作家であり、ホロコースト生還者であるノーベル平和賞を受賞したエリ・ヴィーゼル氏の言葉で 「平和の反対は戦争ではない。平和と戦争に対する無関心である。」という言葉を思い浮かべます。 彼の言葉は私が作品を作るモチベーションとなっており、他の存在に関心を寄せることこそ、愛のある行為であると共感しています。 他者との交流を通じて得られる充足感は、まるで果物が成熟するように新鮮で鮮やかで豊かに感じられます。 そんな美しい心の実りを、フレッシュで瑞々しい果実の形になぞらえ 関心を寄せる行為とその行為から生まれる喜びを表現したいと思い 今回の作品も人同士が関心を寄せることで得られた心の実りを瑞々しく表現しました。 世界中の人達が関心を寄せあい、瑞々しくフレッシュな心を実らせられる世界を願っています。

“World peace” Whenever I hear these words, I recall the words of Elie Wiesel, a Hungarian-born Jewish writer, Holocaust survivor, and Nobel Peace Prize winner: The opposite of peace is not war; it is indifference to peace and war. His words have inspired my artwork. I relate to the idea that taking an interest in others is what love is. By interacting with others, you derive a sense of fulfilment—a feeling of something fresh, bright, and full of goodness, like ripened fruit. This beautiful fruition of the heart can be likened to vibrant, juicy fruit. I try to represent the act of showing concern for others and the joy you derive from this act. This particular piece represents the vibrant fruition of the heart that occurs when fellow humans take an interest in one another. I long for a world in which people take interest in one another and produce vibrant, fresh fruits of the heart.

久保 歩美 - profile image

久保 歩美



KUBO AYUMI was born in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture. As an adult learner, she enrolled in the Department of Crafts at the Tokyo University of Art. She currently majors in metal carving. Using a combination of metalwork and enameling, she creates fruit forms that represent the fulfilment gained from interpersonal connections. She graduated in the 2022 academic year and produced her work for an undergraduate course completion exhibition at the university. Her accolades include the Harada Award and the Encouragement Award of Tokyo Medical & Dental University’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

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