佳作Honorable Mention Award

A Poem

  • 和紙 岩絵具 膠 インスタントコーヒー 紅茶 ウイスキー / washi mineral pigments glue coffee tea
  • H1303×W1621×D25(mm)


I depicted a local café. I left brush and pencil strokes to represent the palpable atmosphere I feel around my neighborhood. This piece was produced as if copying a subject in the real world to reproduce my subjective experience of the world. For my materials, I used instant coffee and other things that feature in my daily life.

城田 崚吾 - profile image

城田 崚吾


東京藝術大学4年 絵画科日本画専攻

SHIROTA RYOGO is a fourth-year undergraduate at the Tokyo University of Arts. He majors in Japanese painting.

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