Landscape 2017-2021「東京タワー」

  • ピグメントプリント、アクリルマウント / pigment print, acrylic mount
  • W675mm x H300mm x D40mm

東京での暮らしや取材旅行のなかで出会った「ありふれた光景」を映した写真に編集ソフトで形のずらしや抽象的な色面への変化といった操作をほどこし、異化された日常、現実と夢のはざまの景色を制作している。本作品では、車内から撮影した東京タワーと、その近辺を歩いて撮影した写真を組み合わせています。 「戦後復興のシンボル」の代表とされる「東京タワー」は、1958年に完成しました。名称は一般公募され、応募総数は8万6,269通。その多くが「昭和塔」「日本塔」「平和塔」など、東京という地名からではなく時代背景を反映した名前でした。 海外の友人が旅行の際に、地下鉄が煩雑すぎてふもとに辿り着くことさえ叶わなかったことが制作のきっかけとなりました。 普遍的な風景として佇んでいながら、世界的に有名な東京のシンボルとして存在している東京タワーは、戦後の人々の平和への願いが現在へと続いているように感じます。

I use photo editing software to alter images of commonplace scenes that I have encountered in my everyday life in Tokyo and in my travels. By distorting the form and using abstract surface color, I transform the familiar scenes into something otherworldly, something between the real world and the world of dreams. This particular work is a composite of images of Tokyo Tower and its environs, which I had snapped from a car. Built in 1958, Tokyo Tower symbolized Tokyo’s postwar reconstruction. The unofficial name “Tokyo Tower” was chosen by a public contest, in which 86,269 entries were submitted. Many of the contestants submitted names like "Showa Tower," "Japan Tower," and "Peace Tower"—names that reflected the historical background rather than the tower’s location (Tokyo). When a friend from abroad visited Tokyo, they found the Tokyo subway too complex to navigate and failed to reach the base of the tower. Their experience inspired this piece. While set against a common, universal backdrop, Tokyo Tower serves as an internationally recognized symbol of Tokyo. As such, the tower continues, I feel, to embody the desire for peace held by people in the years after the Second World War.

縣 健司 - profile image

縣 健司



AGATA KENJI uses photo editing software to alter images of commonplace scenes that he happens to encounter in his everyday life in Tokyo and in his travels. By distorting the images and using abstract surface color, he transforms the familiar scenes into something otherworldly, something between the real world and the world of dreams. Each completed image contains a layer of reality and a layer in which the reality is deformed. By incorporating multiple perspectives, AGATA KENJI encourages viewers to reassemble the fragmented beauty of contemporary society and to reconstruct urban memory.

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