
  • 無可動実銃 / Deactivated firearm
  • H40cmxW90cmxD10cm

平和とは如何なるものであるか? 私が物心ついた1990年代、私の目に映る世の中は、来るべき21世紀は科学技術と調和の時代、即ち平和の時代になる事を信じていた。長く続いた冷戦も終わり、国家の命令で人間同士が殺し合う戦争というのは半世紀前の遠い過去…自分自身とは関係の無い、テレビの向こう側の遠い世界の物語だった。 だからこそ、私は疑問だった。世界はこんなにも平和なのに、どうして戦争が起きてしまったのか。それが知りたくて図書館に入り浸った私を、大人たちや学校の先生はよく思わず、私は「戦争が好きな悪い子」として疎ましく扱われた。 ここに示す作品は、丁度同じ時代にボスニア紛争地にて、自動小銃の弾倉に描かれた2点の絵画だ。一つはイスラムを信ずる者が描いたモスク、もう一方は敵対するキリスト教徒が描いた、ロザリオを纏った女性の図である。 二つの弾倉を組み合わせると、紛争前の平和なボスニアの風景画となる。

What is peace? As a 90s child, the world I grew up in believed that the coming 21st century would be an age of scientific technology and harmony—an age of peace. The Cold War had ended, and the horrors of the war, when people shed blood by order of the state, were a thing of the distant past, a half-century ago. War had nothing to do with my life; it was something on TV, something from a distant world. But this made me wonder: If the world is such a peaceful place, how on earth did a war occur? To find answers, I frequented a library and immersed myself in reading. My teachers and other adults around me gave me the cold shoulder, condemning me as a naughty kid who loves war. This was around the time of the Bosnian War. This piece consists of scratch drawings in a pair of magazines for assault rifles that were used in the conflict. Each drawing came from the two opposing sides in the conflict: The first depicts a mosque, a place of worship for Muslims. The second depicts a Christian woman wearing a rosary. When combined, the magazines depict a peaceful pre-war Bosnia.

山田 高央 - profile image

山田 高央


1986年岩手出身。生後数年をチェルノブイリ直後のモスクワで過ごす。東京へ戻った後、再びソ連崩壊後のロシアへ。帰国の後、高校時代を9・11直後の米国で送る。 2017年 東京藝術大学 美術学部 工芸科卒業 2020年 同大学院 美術研究科 文化財保存学専攻 保存科学修了

YAMADA TAKAO was born in Iwate Prefecture in 1986. He spent his earliest years in Moscow, in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster. After returning to Japan and living in Tokyo for some years, he moved to the post-Soviet Russian Federation. He then returned to Japan once again, before attending high school in the USA, in the wake of 9/11. In 2017, he enrolled at the Department of Crafts, Tokyo University of Art. After enrolling at the university’s Graduate School of Fine Arts, he completed a graduate course in conservation science in 2020.

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